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Passenger Loading Zones

Student Drop Off and Pick Up





ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL: Buses, Family Drop Off/Pick Up, & Walkers 

  • Students enter/exit through the main doors on Margaret St (AM/PM bus & AM family drop-off) or from the playground doors (PM family pick up).
  • Buses pull up in front of the school on Margaret. Staff help students on/off the bus and into/out of school.
  • The Family Drop-off zone is a designated area (marked with sign & cone) near southwest corner of Ruth & Margaret to drop your child off, (cars pull up behind the bus loading area).
    • There will be an adult posted there to help guide your child into school.
    • Please do NOT get out of your car or park in the drop off area. 
    • Cars parked or left are subject to being ticketed by the police department.

  • If you would like to walk your child to the front door, please park on the South Side of Margaret (or west of the parking lot entrance on Margaret) to walk your child(ren) to the door.
  • Students should arrive at school no earlier than 9:15 or be picked up after 4:07 to ensure adequate supervision and safety of children.
  • NOTE: We are working with the City of St. Paul to create a drop off zone on Ruth St. We will share more information with you when the change is made!


Walking to School

Elementary school students (PreK-5) who live less than a half-mile from school may have the option of walking to and from school with the school patrol. School patrols are led by older students and assisted by school staff and will be on duty before and after school. Please let your child’s teacher know if your child(ren) will be walking to school with the patrols.


If you need to change the way your child is picked up for the day, please call the office by 2:30pm @ 651-293-8870.

If you have questions about bussing, call SPPS Transportation 651-696-9600