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Parent Resources

Here are some websites and places you can go for information and support on various topics.  Please click on the links below or call the listed phone numbers.

Free Clothing

Arlington Hills Lutheran Church

1115 Greenbrier Street requirements: referral from school social worker

Saint Paul, MN 55106

Phone: (651) 771-5501

Hours: Tuesday, 9:30 am – 1:00 pm (September through May)

Joseph's Coat

1107 West Seventh Street requirements: photo identification
Saint Paul, MN 55102 *can shop once a week
Phone (651) 291-2472 - Hours: Monday and Wednesday 9 am - 4:30 pm , Second Saturday every month 9am-1pm

Swap Shop, Church of Saint Luke,  1065 Summit Avenue,  Saint Paul, MN 55105  Phone: (651) 227-7669 - Hours: Saturday, 1 pm – 3 pm Saturday (September through May)

Dayton Avenue Presbyterian Church

217 Mackubin Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Phone(651)227-7389;  Hours: First and Third Saturday, 9am-11am    Providesclothing and support services for Native American, African American,and refugees.

Department of Indian Work   

1671 Summit, Saint Paul, MN 55105, Phone: (651) 644-2768    Hours: Monday – Friday, 10am-3pm   Website: www.spacc.org     Services: Provides a food shelf and adult and baby clothing for Native American families.

Saint Paul Reformation Church Requirements Food Shelf

100 North Oxford 1. Call to make appointment

Saint Paul MN, 55104 2. Photo Identification

Phone: (651) 251-9015 3. Current Mail to prove address

Food & Clothes Shelf No requirements for Clothes

God's Closet 820 White Bear Avenue at Methodist Church Requirements: photoidentification  Saint Paul, MN 55119 Limitations: 2 bags   Phone (651)771-4627    Hours:Monday, Wednesday Friday, 10am-2pm


Sharing Korner    595Arundel Street Requirements:  Saint Paul MN 55103 *Call Beforehand * Phone (651) 293-1931 Adults: 18 and older need photo identification,  Hours: Monday, Wednesday and current mail   Friday, and SaturdayChildren: medical form   9 am – 11:30 am social security card

Alley Shop - 776-8708 *need social worker referral*

Catholic Charities - 222- 1787


Fora list of mentor programs in the metro area, go to Mentoring Works orcall Mentoring Partnership of Minnesota at  612-370-9180 .

AfricanAmerican Family Services 651-642-0021--they provide counselingservices to youth/families. Sometimes they have anger management groupsfor youth. Please call for more information. The website is www.afs.net

Thad Wilderness& Associates. The contact info for the agency is 651-225-8997 &is located at 475 University Ave.

BigBrothers/Big Sisters #651-789-2400--for the Community based program.--They provide mentoring for youth. Ages 7-13yo. There are norequirements for families. Free.  www.Bigstwincities.org

Merrick Community Services 771-9389--speak to Brian for information on the after school programfrom 3:30-6:00pm. Ages 5-14yo. They do not provide transportation.Free. Located on 715 Edgerton in St. Paul. Also, can speak withMary/Melissa at #771-9389 about case management services. This is wherefamilies are paired up with a case manager to help with different needsin the home. Free.

St. Paul Youth Services 651-771-0076--cancall to find services for youth through Twin City area. If have MedicalAssistance insurance, mentors for youth can be found at #952-953-3399.

Totems 651-275-0441 Provides in home counseling services to families/youth. Fundingcomes from other sources/your insurance. No requirements for families.Provide in home services to Ramsey and Washington counties.

Wilder Child Guidance Clinic - 651-280-2000

For students who are NativeAmerican --can call our Indian Education Social Workers at 651-293-5191with our St. Paul Public School District and they have some specialmentoring programs available.

Counseling for Families/Youth with no insurance or financial means

African American Family Services  # 651-642-0021

PORTICO Health Net (603-5100)-an agencythat helps you determine what insurance you qualify for and helps youcomplete the applications. If you qualify for MA you could go through theThad Wilderson and Association (651-225-8997 ).

Project Assist through Ramsey County. 266-4045.

Grief and Loss Counseling
ThadWilderson & Associates, 651-225-8997   (Specific workers mentioned:Morris Nakumbe; Willie Winston, PhD; Halle Ricketts, LICSW)
Dr. Richard Oni of Progressive Individual Resources, 651-222-6567 , troni@orbis.net

www.campamandaminn.com  - grief counseling for kids (kindergarten through high school)

Counseling for Autistic Youth-
George Abrahms - 651-647-5722 (specializes in working with autistic youth)
Tom Davis - 651-773-2010 - Lake Elmo (specializes in working with autistic youth)

Mitch Leppicello - LICSW - Woodbury (specializes in working with autistic youth) - 651-739-7539

Dr. Bart Main at Behavioral Health in Eagan 730-7525

Autism Society of Minnesota - 651-647-1083 call for more info on resources or website is www.ausm.org for workshops for caregivers.

Students of Asian American and Pacific Islander decent - Asian Media Access - Souk Moua at 612-376-7715 ; webpage is www.amamedia.org They provide the following programs for FREE and provide free transportation.

 Ramen Ya program - a shelterprogram for 14 yo - 21 yo female runaway/homeless youth; 2. AsianGirl's Group/afterschool program that meets every Wed from 3pm-7pm.Free transportation from their home to the program and back to home isprovided. This group meets at the Rondo library in St. Paul; 3.  MultiMedia Force Group - which meets on Fridays. The kids make videos withan educational theme. Program encourages writing and poetry.

Hispanic Mentoring/Counseling Services:

Hamm Clinic, contact is Emilia Godinez (651-224-0614 ).

La Oportunidad has a mentoring program. Call 612-872-6165 and ask for information about the mentoring program.

Thereis a really good resource for Latino organizations. It is the ChicanoLatino Affairs Council (CLAC). Their directory is available on-line.The website is: http://www.clac.state.mn.us

Ethopian Resources

http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/idepc/refugee/resourceguide.pdf - this is an awesome resource which can be downloaded

New Americans Community services and Health Clinic 651 University Av. St. Paul 651-287-5223

Center for Victims of Torture

To connect Families with Resources 


Youth Groups:

Face toFace: # 772-5613 speak with Kate Buckley about support groups foryouth. There are self esteem support groups for youth starting soon.Please call her for more information.

ADHD/ADD support group for youth:  952-933-8983 or www.adssmn.org

Food Shelves

Neighborhood House - Call Cindi Yang - 651-789-3630/789-5247

Paul/Sheila Wellstone Center - 651-789-2500

Rice Street Food Shelf - 651-917-3939

Second Hand Harvest - 651-484-5117

Rent Assistance

Call County to register with them for emergency financial assistance - 651-266-4444

Community Stabilization Project - 651-225-8778

Keystone at 651-917-3883

Ramsey Action Programs (family loans); 651-645-6445

St. Paul Foundation (CommunitySharing Fund Contact Name - Arbadella Williams) -651-224-5463 *Parentsneed social worker referral, so please contact yourchild's school social worker*  This program can only help families onetime over 18 months.

Youth Job Information:

The Job Connection:  In theMacalester-Groveland, Highland, and Summit Hill areas.  For youthlooking for employment. Need to be 12 years or older. Youth will beassigned a job to help senior citizens or an adult with a disability. Jobs include: lawn mowing, yard work, housecleaning and minor householdrepairs. If interested, call 651-695-4000 .

Parent Groups:

Parentto Parent Support Group of Ramsey County call Donna (612) 436-8777 .Please call if you are interested in being connected to a parent group(run by parents with support from professionals). The parents in thisgroup have children with serious emotional/behavioral challenges andthey connect with other parents for support and information. This groupmeets monthly at either 12PM or 6:30PM on the second Tuesday of eachmonth. Call the number above if you are interested in finding out thelocation this month.

ADHD/ADD support groups for parents of children with ADD/ADHD or parents/adults who may have ADHD/ADD.  Call 952-933-8983 or www.adssmn.org

ADHD/ADD website - http://www.additudemag.com

SupportGroup for Parents of children with sexual abuse and behavioral issues.This group are for parents of victims ONLY. Open to parents withchildren who are of any age. Free. Group is facilitated by a staff fromPathfinders (agency that works with victims of sexual abuse). Call651-643-3022.

Education and Resources:

Talking with your Kids about Tough Issues - www.talkingwithkids.org

UnitedWay 211 (# 651-291-0211 )--call this agency to locate any kind of socialservice assistance (mentoring, counseling, afterschool programs, etc).Can also access http://www.211unitedway.org/queries/keysearch.html

MentalHealth Association of Minnesota: (612) 331-6840 --The Mental HealthAssociation offers wonderful free education and advocacy/assistance formental illness related issues.

Suicide Awareness: (952) 946-7998--This program helps with suicide-related issues.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK .

http://cabf.org -- website explaining Bipolar Disorder. Go to Learning Centers topic to find out more.

Missing Children Minnesota (helps to locate missing/runaway children free of charge): 612-334-9449

Legal Services

Central Legal # 651-642-1890 (free/low cost) Speaks Spanish

Officina Legal # 651-641-1011 Speaks Spanish

Legal Services/Support forLow Income Parents: Neighborhood Justice Center, Inc, St. Paul651-222-4703; Southwestern MN Regional Legal Services, 651-222-4731

Karen F. Ellingson, Attorneyat Law, P.A.of Immigration Legal Services - Servicios Legales deImmigracion. Karen's office is located at 1059 So. Robert St., Suite100 West St. Paul, MN 55118. Karen is bilingual (Spanish/English) andcoordinated Oficina Legal for many years. She is willing to work outreasonable payment plans with clients and has a keen understanding ofneeds. She also still teaches at the U of M law school. You can reachher at (651)451-1660 for more information.

Ben Casper 651-271-6661 Attorney for immigration. Spanish speaker.

Family Court Services in theHennepin County Court House...  provides mediation services free todivorcing couples. Both parents need to be willing to mediate and thereneeds to be no domestic violence between them. Call 612-348-3000

Crisis Interventions

Vic Ellingson # 266-5311.Social Worker at the Juvenile Detention Center (JDC). He works withparents whose children may be out of control at home, truant fromschool, runaways, etc. He may be able to meet with you and your childto discuss concerns.

Mobile Crisis Team 651-774-7000 , open 24 hours. Team can come out to the home if needed to devise a plan of action with family

Crisis Connection -612-379-6363

Eating Disorders:

EatingDisorder Assistance: TAMS (Teenage Medical Service) which is a part ofChildren's Hospital. They accept insurance and have an eating disorderprogram for kids. #612-813-6125

Emily Program. This is an eating disorder program children and adults.They accept insurance. #651-645-5323

Reduced Dental Care:

VangDental Clinic on 367 W. University in St. Paul (222-6738) is stilldoing free/sliding fee - I know they accept MA. Also Check Quan Dental422 University Ave. St. Paul (290-2818) as they used to take referralsfrom Social Workers for free or low cost dental. Contact me if you needa referral. Thank you.

Public Health Services - 555 Cedar St.651-292-7749, Model cities - 290-9200, Sharing and Caring in Mpls -free on Saturday if they have no insurance - 612-338-4640, U of Mschool of Dentistry, Mpls. 612-624-8400 - Neighborhood Health careNetwork makes referrals to community clinics - 651-489-2273 are somepossibilities.

Helping hands walk in dental sliding fee - 244-7561

Eye care:

The Gift of Sight Programthrough Lenscrafter's provides free eye exam and glasses to low incomestudents. Contact Ms. Romano, School Social Worker at Highland ParkJunior High (651-293-8950 ) for more information.

After School Programs:

Girl'sLEAP (Life Empowerment Awareness Program) is located through the YWCA.This is a girl's only group for girls ages 7-14yo to make new friends,do some journaling, leadership, and to learn new skills, build selfesteem. This program has openings. Girls ages 7-13yo--there is asliding fee for parents; and girls age 14, it's free. There iscurrently free transportation from Highland Junior for girls who wantto take part in this program. Program runs Mon-Fri from 2:30-5:30pm.Parents need to arrange for transportation home at 5:30pm. Ifinterested, please call Krissy at 651-265-0731 . Thank you.

Study Skills website: http://www.studygs.net/

Tutoring Programs

Boys/Girl's Club of the TwinCities - the Mount Airy Unit at 690 Jackson Street.  651-221-0330 or atthe West Side Unit at 291 Belvidere Street.  651-222-2212 .  - or theEast Side Unit at 1620 Ames Ave.  651-774-5654 - Mondays -Fridays from3:00pm - 6:00pm.  For this program only is $5.00/year (East SideUnit).  www.boysandgirls.org

Lao Family Community ofMinnesota, Inc. - Youth Education Program at 320 W. University Ave. 651-209-6808 (speak with Vern Xiong).  Mondays - Fridays for HmongStudents in grades 7-9.  FREE

Neighborhood House at 179 E. Robie Street. 651-227-9291 . Mondays - Fridays afterschool and evenings. Grades K-12.  FREE

Summit UniversityEducation/Benjamin Mays Magnet For African American Students grades K-12 at 560 Concordia Ave. in St. Paul.  651-227-5199 - individualtutoring, homework assistance. Mondays - Thursdays from 6:00pm-8:00pm. FREE

Holiday Programs

Toys for Toys/Operation Joy -parents can call 651-746-3595 if parents would like help with toys fortheir children this year.  Phone may be busy, but keep trying.

To get information about aThanksgiving Day basket/meals for families, please call School Social Worker at 651-293-8870 . 

Health Insurance/Medication Options

Portico: 2610 University Ave West Suite 550; St. Paul, Mn 55114-2117 - (651) 603-5100

For those without health insurance - go to http://edocs.dhs.state.mn.us/lfserver/Legacy/DHS-4741-ENG

St Mary's Clinics (651-690-7029 ) whichis free for under-insured and uninsured individuals and families alsocan provide medication when warranted.

http://rxassist.org/ - go to this link to see about low cost medication options

For students who are Native American -Please call - Mashkiki Waakaaigan Pharmacy at 1433 East Franklin Ave.South Suite 13B in Minneapolis, MN 55404. Phone is 612-871-1989