Pre-Kindergarten Program at Eastern Heights
A Great Start for a Lifetime of Learning!
The Pre-Kindergarten Program provides a solid learning environment for children the year before kindergarten to prepare them for school success. The SPPS Pre-Kindergarten Program is rooted in a deep commitment to standards-based education to provide our learners with a strong academic foundation. Each classroom has 20 children with a full time teacher and a teaching assistant.
General Schedule
Full day schedule: 9:30-4:00
A Day in Pre-Kindergarten
Ease Into the Day - The teachers create a warm & welcoming environment by checking in with the children as they enter the classroom. During this time the children sign-in on the white board and join their friends for breakfast in the classroom and independent reading.
Morning Meeting - The class comes together in a circle and the meeting begins with a greeting and a daily message. We also read a story and focus on a daily lesson and basic skills during this time.
Small Group Activities - Small group activities are planned and may extend the daily lesson, teach a new concept, or allow children to practice skills at their level. Small group activities are interactive with children cooperating, problem solving, and learning together with a teacher’s guidance.
Active Learning – During this time children explore different learning centers in the classroom and engage in fun and meaningful activities that allow them to practice the skills they are learning.
Arts, Gym and Science – At Eastern Heights we have set aside a time to focus on Arts, Gym and Science.
Regroup to Revisit – At the end of the day, the children and teachers come together to reflect on our learning and prepare for the next day.
Curriculum Components
Discovering Our World, the Pre-Kindergarten Program Curriculum
Everyday Math
Instructional Strategies
* Greeting * Read Aloud * Independent Reading
Shared Reading *Interactive Writing * Small Groups *Active Learning
Ms. Thao
Site Shortcuts
Daily Schedule
All Day PreK
9:15-10:00am: Ease Into The Day/Breakfast
10:00-10:25am: Recess
10:25-10:50am: Morning Meeting/Daily Read Aloud
10:55-11:25am Active Learning
11:30-12:15am Specialist (Gym, Science, Art, Music)
12:30-12:55: Lunch
12:55-2:00pm Rest Time
2:00 - 2:25 Recess
2:30-2:45 pm Snack
2:45-3:35pm Active Learning
3:35-3:50 Regroup to Revisit (Closing Meeting)
3:50pm Dismissal