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Heath Services

Welcome to Health and Wellness Services: Lori Benolken 

The Office of Student Health and Wellness


Should they go to school?

Our Health office provides many daily health services for students and community connections to promote and ensure our heath as a school.

We are an integral part of the Eastern Heights Elementary commitment to Educate for a Better Tomorrow. 

We are committed to the health and wellness of every Eastern Heights Elementary community member.

Keep your child home if he or she:

  • Has a fever of 100 degrees for more during the previous evening, night, or in the morning.
  • Has vomited or has diarrhea during the night or in the morning.
  • Has a rash that may be caused by a disease or if the cause is unknown, check with your family physician before sending student to school.

Ordinarily we ask that children be sent to school even if they seem a little tired or irritable in the morning, as long as they do not have any of the signs or symptoms listed above.

If the student is at home sick, please call the school attendance line daily to report the reason for absence.

SPPS Student Wellness - How do I know if my child is too sick for school?